Terms & Conditions

Attending training 

Attending training sessions is a crucial component of our commitment to safeguarding children and young people in Croydon.  

By participating in training, individuals are expected to 

  • Engage actively, especially for online sessions where there is an expectation for camera’s to be on. 
  • Arrive punctually, for online sessions – check connectivity at least 5 mins before start time. 
  • Contribute constructively to discussions and activities. 

Participants should come prepared, having reviewed any pre-session materials provided, and be willing to share their knowledge and experiences with fellow Participants. 

Respect for trainers, peers, and the training environment is paramount, participants are encouraged to ask questions, seek clarification, and provide feedback to enhance the learning experience for everyone.  

Participants are reminded that online training sessions may contain sensitive or confidential information. Therefore, it is imperative that sessions are not recorded or attended in public spaces where privacy cannot be guaranteed. This precaution helps maintain the confidentiality of the content discussed and respects the privacy rights of all participants. Any breach of this requirement could compromise the integrity of the training program. Your cooperation in safeguarding the confidentiality of the training content is greatly appreciated. 

Failure to adhere to these expectations may result in exclusion from future training opportunities. 

The CSCP reserves the right to reject applications where the postcode is outside of the London Borough of Croydon. 

Learning accounts will be closed if:

  1. There has been no activity on the account within a year of activation.
  2. Courses have not been completed within six months of enrolment. 

Courses are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, and based on a one-person booking. A waiting list process is in place in the event of a course becoming full, if a place does become available you will be notified via email. 

Full course details are available on the main CSCP website as well as the events booking system. For detailed information regarding the different roles and their training requirements refer to the safeguarding competency framework section on the CSCP website. Participants should familiarise themselves with the course content to ensure the course is suitable for their training needs. 

Upon booking a course, a confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address. Additionally, Participants will then receive an automated reminder email* that is scheduled to be sent. 

  1. One week before the training
  2. One day before training

 *On the occasion reminder emails are not received it is the responsibility of the attendee to make a note of the date and time of the training at the time of booking and follow up with CSCP training with any questions. 

Course fees 

Safeguarding Courses are free to staff working in agencies in Croydon that have contributed financially to the Safeguarding Children Partnership. These are staff from: 

  • London Borough of Croydon
  • South London & Maudsley NHS Unit
  • Croydon ICB
  • Croydon Health Service
  • The Metropolitan Police
  • National Probation Service 

Group booking 

We are unable accommodate large block bookings from organisations who are not among the groups specified above. We may allow up to 5 places to be reserved at our discretion, depending on the availability and suitability of the training requested. 

Cancellations and No-shows 

Please ensure you cancel the training with at least 3 working days by logging into your account, in the first instance. This is to allow notice to be given to trainers, and venues and for waiting list tickets to be released to other participants. 

Participants who repeatedly fail to show up or cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice will be added to the no-show list and will be restricted from booking further events for the next six months. This stringent measure is necessitated by the escalating financial burden incurred by the CSCP due to unutilised slots for training events.  

The CSCP reserves the right to cancel or reschedule face-to-face training sessions if attendee numbers have not reached the minimum requirement determined by individual trainers. 

Certification and Evaluation of Training 

A Certificate of Attendance will only be issued to participants who have completed the full course and the accompanying training evaluation. Certificates will not be issued to participants who leave the training part way through. 

During face-to-face training sessions, participants must register with the trainer at the start of the training session. Without this evidence, an attendance certificate will not be issued. Trainers reserve the right to refuse access to training if an attendee is more than 15 minutes late. Late arrivals who have been refused entry will have to rebook onto the next available date. Persistent late arrivals will be placed on the no-show list. 

Participants will be prompted to complete a training evaluation survey at the end of a session. A second evaluation will be sent out three months post-training to the attendee for feedback on what has been learned and applied in practice in the workplace. 

Participants will have access to an attendance certificate and any training resources upon completion of the initial training evaluation. It is advised this should be printed and kept with your own CPD evidence. Attendance certificates are held on file by the CSCP for up to 36 months. 

The CSCP may contact you six months after training as part of a randomly selected sample to check what impact training is having on local practice and whether it is improving outcomes for the children and families we work with.