Child Neglect

Date & Time:

Thursday 24 April 2025 (09:30 - 16:30)

Tell me about future dates of this event


MS Teams,


Course Summary

If you work with children and families, being alert to how well the child is cared for is essential. This course will help you understand and recognise neglect, and it will challenge your thinking as to what neglect is. The course will cover some serious case review findings and why practitioners find it difficult to identify neglect.

If you are planning to complete GCP2 Training, complete this training before attending GCP2.

To learn more about Croydon's strategy to combat Child Neglect, refer to CSCP Child Neglect for more information.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explore what is meant by the term ‘neglect’
  • Signs that a child may be neglected
  • Consider what the impact of neglect may be on a child
  • Parental and environmental factors, and how these factors can make spotting neglect difficult
  • Child development and attachment – emotional neglect
  • Understand how to respond effectively to concerns that you may have
  • Overview of local referral practice and referral processes

**This training is online, meeting links will become available nearer to the date.**

Places Available:

RestrictionAvailableApplicable to you
Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement5
Voluntary & Community4
Croydon Council5
External organisations4
Faith-based organisation4
Central Government0


Further Information:


Suitable for professionals in training group B, C & D


Venue Details:

MS Teams,